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<strong>This & That Cafe</strong>
<br>Indian Restaurant / Cafe
<br>Soap St, Manchester
<br>M4 1EW
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<br><a href="/news">News / Press</a> / <a href="/reviews">Reviews</a>
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"servesCuisine": "Indian",
"priceRange": "$",
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"description": "A family run business established in 1984, we’re one of Manchester’s favourite Indian Curry Houses. We offer a huge choice of delicious curries and are located in the heart of the Northern Quarter, tucked away on Soap Street.",
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"@type": "PostalAddress",
"streetAddress": "3 Soap St",
"addressLocality": "Manchester",
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"hasMap": "",
"hasMenu": "",
"acceptsReservations": false,
"openingHours": ["Su-Th 11:30-20:00", "Fr, Sa 11:30-22:00"],
"contactPoint": {
"@type": "ContactPoint",
"contactType": "reservations",
"telephone": "+44 (0) 161 832 4971"
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### Location
3, Soap St,
The Northern Quarter,
**M4 1EW**
[View on Google Maps](
[Order with Deliveroo]({{site.deliveroo_url}})
#### Opening Times
**Friday & Saturday**
11:30am to 9:00pm
**Sunday - Thursday**
11:30am to 8:00pm
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<div class="coronavirus">
<a href="/curry-hamper-deliveries">We're Deliveroo-ing our curries - click here for details.</a> We're also open for <strong>takeaways, dining in, and outdoor dining</strong> (weather permitting).
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title: This & That
subtitle: Good Gobble
metaTitle: Good Gobble Review of This & That Curry Cafe, Manchester
Last week, I took a break from my gruelling Christmas shopping schedule to meet up for lunch with the Doyles at [This & That Café]( - tucked down an alley in the Northern Quarter. I'd actually wanted to try This & That out for some time - if I had a quid for every time I'd had it recommended to me, I'd have, well, at least a fiver.
This & That is something of a Manchester institution, with many claiming its inexpensive, no-frills curries are the best in the city. Every lunchtime, the place is packed full of hungry diners of all ages, genders and professions and it can apparently get so busy you'll struggle to find a seat.
On this particular cold, windy and rainy Monday, I was so pleased to be going somewhere warm that the somewhat shifty exterior on the way into the somewhat shifty interior didn't bother me a jot. The place was typically busy so we joined the queue to order our Rice and 3 Veg curry deal. The menu changes daily ensuring that you literally could eat there every day of the week and today's veggie options were Lentil Daal, Mixed Veg and Cauliflower with Potatoes.
The three scrummy looking curries were slopped onto my plastic plate and handed to me so I could top them with a nice bit of green chilli and corriander. We helped ourselves to knives and forks and tap water from the jug and were even lucky enough to get a table to ourselves.
The three curries were all very tasty - hearty, flavoursome and very well-cooked, with the chopped chillis I'd distributed to my plate adding a bit of spicy excitement. I loved the textures of the various curries mixed together with the rice - thick sauces with tender veg and soft, grainy potatoes. Doyle also ordered a large Onion Bhaji which he said was very nice too.
Due to its canteen-esque nature, This & That isn't really the type of place to sit around for a post-meal chat, and the chances are someone will be after your seat anyway, so we discussed our thoughts on the meal while walking through town. We were all in agreement that the food had been good and our bellies were full - very satisfied. The food was also very healthy - no visible oil or grease, and I'm pretty sure my meal provided me with one or two of my 5-a-day.
At £3.30 a for Rice and 3 curries with a big old bhaji a snip at 70p you really cannot argue with the price either. I thought it's no wonder so many people go to This & That when you could quite easily spend the same amount of money on a rubbish sandwich or a sub-par coffee. If I worked in the centre I would definitely be in there every day trying out different dishes - if you were a meat eater you could try out a whole range of combinations resulting in a completely different meal every time.
So This & That was a hit. What did I think about the claim that the serve "the best curries in Manchester"? Hmm. Best _value_ maybe, but I'm not sure if the food and overall experience were awesome enough for me to give them that coveted title. I'll just have to go back and try out a few more yummy meals before I decide - poor me!
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title: This'n'That Cafe Reviewed
subtitle: Manchester Confidentials
metaTitle: Jonathan Schofield goes for the original rice and three at This & That Curry Cafe, Manchester
> Jonathan Schofield goes for the original rice and three
THE first rule of This'n'That is you can't find it - unless you're a regular.
> It's a bit like Deborah's house in the Pulp song 'very small with woodchip on the wall.'
The second rule is upon leaving This'n'That you'll bump into a posh tourist saying: "I say, I read in all the magazines, FHM, The Chap, that This'n'That is quite the thing for a cheap eat Mancunian lunch. You couldn't tell me where it is? There'd be a shilling in it for you."
Every person who half knows anything about Manchester food knows of This'n'That.
National journalists are the worst using the venerable cafe as a fallback option when asked about the value-end of the food market in the city. They've been told by a friend of a friend of a friend about it ten years ago and stored it for a 'list' article. Hence its celebrity and very own tourist trade.
Still, it deserves its reputation for longevity alone. The place opened in a mythical time when David Bowie still wore face paint and cars were beige. It's thought of as 'the pioneer'.
There are plenty of other curry cafes in the area, Yagdar for example, remnants of the former Asian controlled ragtrade hereabouts, but This'n'That is the best known. Whether it actually pioneered the concept of rice'n'three is a fact lost in history but it's the cafe we all credit.
After the fourth time of looking you'll find This'n'That on Soap Street. The name is perverse. This is one of the few back alleys to have escaped gentrification in the Northern Quarter. The crumbling, damp, deformed little thoroughfare is the urban landscape equivalent of a human target on Channel 5's _Bodyshock_.
Inside This'n'That is equally raggedy-arse.
If Reds, the Americana food purveyor in Albert Square cost £1.5m to fit-out, This'n'That cost 30p. It's a bit like Deborah's house in the Pulp song 'very small with woodchip on the wall'. In fact you could imagine a lugubrious but insouciant Jarvis Cocker perched on one of the plastic bus shelter seats reading a curled at the corners paperback.
I was here on a mission.
We're doing a Best of MCR Cheap Eats article beginning with short reviews of places such as this. Thus I had to locate a full meal, no discounting allowed, for around a fiver in the city centre. This'n'That felt right.
My rice and three cost £4.90. Bingo. I had rice, two meat and one veg, but you can get the 'three' in any combination of meat and veg. I thought what the hell, live a little and got a chapati too, which was either 40p or 50p I forget - more expensive than the fit-out anyway.
The pile of Basmati rice was lovely, a lamb steak curry was sturdy, a chicken curry lacklustre but a spinach, potato and carrot veggie curry was heroic.
The food filled me. It provided spice - and all those curries and rice bunched up in a chapati sandwich was the bee's knees. The food won't win any beauty competitions and I'm not sure it's better than Yagdar but hey, it's the pioneer.
The staff smiled, the place even at 2pm on a Wednesday was satisfactorily full. People talked.
I, Billy-no-mates, people watched.
The wine range was extensive as Cheshire Life say, consisting of free jugs of tap water or sugary soft drinks. I had the water.
I left happy. And sober. For once.
Round the corner, upon leaving, there was a dandy chap with a monocle and a smoking jacket. He waved me over: "I say, I read in the magazines, FHM, The Chap, that This'n'That is quite the thing for a cheap eat Mancunian lunch. You couldn't tell me where it is? There'd be a shilling in it for you."
**This'n'That, Soap Street, off Thomas Street, City centre. 0161 832 0708**
**Rating: 14/20**
Food: 7/10
Service: 3/5
Ambience: 4/5
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title: Manchester Curry cafe This and That gets a makeover and social media isn't sure
subtitle: Manchester Evening News
metaTitle: Manchester Curry cafe This and That gets a makeover and social media isn't sure
> The change at the Northern Quarter mainstay is upsetting a few people - but we reckon the new look is a step up
Has the last bastion of old Northern Quarter in Manchester finally gone?
Twitter went wild when news hit that rice and three diner and takeaway This & That was having a make over.
But we poked our head in and have to say, we really approve of their slightly Scandi-style canteen with its cool grey walls and friendly bench seating.
This & That, at 3 Soap Street behind Trof NQ, has been one of the best places for an authentic curry at lunch for a long time. And its dining approach is simple: join the queue, choose your three curries to go with your rice, and enjoy.
(Image: Matt Ratcliffe)
But over the last few years under current owner Ismail Mallu (pictured serving above) - who took over the bijou diner in 1992 - This & That has gone from the city's best kept secret to appearing in national newspapers and tourist guide as a must stop spot.
And so the place decided it was time for a change, steered by long time customers Marfin and Rina - architects and interior designers M+R Studios.
(Image: Matt Ratcliffe)
They decided the red plastic takeaway-style tables and chairs had to go, and there's even a little nod to the Hacienda with a pillar daubed in black and yellow stripes - a tribute to the club which also started in the early 1980s.
The new scheme has upped seating from 45 to over 60 and, says Mr Mallu, as a consequence more people have been stopping in to eat because they can sit in bigger groups.
(Image: Matt Ratcliffe)
This & That opens from 11.30am to 4.30pm from Sunday to Thursday, and from 11.30am to 8pm on Friday and Saturday. Rice with three vegetarian options starts at £3.90, or up to £6 for three meat options. A loaded four curries and rice option is available for £6.50.
The menu changes daily and can be viewed on the official [This & That]( website.
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title: A Love Letter To…rice’n’three
subtitle: OBI Properties
metaTitle: A Love Letter to Rice n Three from OBI Properties
> A lot has been written in recent times about Manchester’s quest for a Michelin-starred restaurant. Who cares? They can keep their stars. And if it didn’t mean
A lot has been written in recent times about Manchester’s quest for a Michelin-starred restaurant. Who cares? They can keep their stars. And if it didn’t mean that the places would get packed out by tourists, I’d ask Michelin to bestow a special award on that most Mancunian food treat: the rice’n’three.
The humble rice’n’three – for the uninitiated, that’s a helping of rice along with scoops of three different curries – is, to my mind, every bit as quintessentially Manchester as Coronation Street. As City and United. As Factory Records, the Hacienda and all that.
As far as I’m aware, nowhere else does this. Not Liverpool, Leeds, Edinburgh, not even London. True, Bradford, Birmingham and Leicester have some mind-meltingly great curries on offer at decent prices and each could stake a claim to being England’s curry capital. But nowhere else has wonderful food from the sub-continent combined with local entrepreneurial spirit in such a way. A budget lunchtime bundle of happiness with a catchy name.
The price is just part of the appeal. Generally speaking, a decent feed will cost you somewhere between £4 and £6 these days. Price-wise, you’ll pay more if you have more meat-based curries than veg, and you’ll pay a bit more at the better known places such as Kabana or Al Faisal. There are maybe ten places scattered around the Northern Quarter, plus a smattering around Strangeways.
Extras – samosas, bhajis etc – come in at a quid or so. No booze. Jugs of water are laid out, and it’s wise to keep one close to hand if you’re piling on the green chillies, which you’ll usually find laid out on the counter alongside coriander.
The range of flavours is what makes it. Lentils and chickpeas done in a way that eludes the home chef, tikka lamb chops to kill for. Marhaba, my curry caff of choice, is the only one with a proper tandoor oven, in which they’ll make your naan fresh to order. Not to have one would be an act of self-hatred. The chilli naan has been known to make my greediest friend weep with joy.
You don’t have to do rice’n’three of course – at Marhaba, my meal of choice is the daal gosht, lamb and lentils (with a naan of course). You make of it what you will. Each place has its own style – at the legendary This & That, the curries are thinner, less flavour-packed. They do offal on a Wednesday and have fixed options for each day of the week. Hunters BBQ do game dishes. On a Sunday, most places do a traditional nihari, big hunks of lamb in a gingery, fiery sauce.
Each place has its own loyal following and the experience can be as solitary or as clubbable as you like. I’ve dived into Yadgar while on the way for a train, because I know I can order, eat, take a breather and be on my way in ten minutes. Then again, I know groups of lawyers, bankers and property developers who decamp religiously to Kabana for a team lunch once a week. At Marhaba, where there are only about four tables, each seating two, you can barely help getting involved in a chat with other punters and the staff.
If I have visitors with me who are up for the slightly rough and ready, I’ll not hesitate in ushering them down Back Piccadilly or Thomas Street. With all due deference to the many decent restaurant operators out there, with all their Manc-music collages, daring wine lists and top notch decor, they can’t match these places for authenticity.
As the gentrification of the Northern Quarter continues, we should all hope and pray these oases of culinary delight remain. That’s not backing the little guy through some perverse contrariness – it’s just bloody good food. Rice’n’threesy does it every time.
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title: "Review: This & That, Manchester's hidden gem"
subtitle: The Mancunion
metaTitle: This & That, Manchester's hidden gem - The Mancunion
> Concealed in a Northern Quarter alleyway, this Indian canteen can be hard to find. However a visit here is well worth the search
At first glance, the exterior of this family-owned cafe can be misleading. Situated in a fairly shabby Northern Quarter backstreet and with only a small sign marking its entrance, it is fair to say that initial appearances were not profound. However, from the first tentative peek into its interior it became apparent that this joint was an incredibly popular, bustling establishment.
They have been serving customers for over thirty years and apparently, the restaurant’s design has not changed much. The décor largely resonates a school canteen. Long communal tables and chairs stretch across the room and a kitchen with a buffet style serving table occupies the far end. It is from this serving counter that the most amazing smells of spices and curries fill up the room and set eager customer’s stomachs rumbling. Impressively, the menu changes daily and encompasses a range of both vegetarian and meat curries.
During the busy lunch period, This & That offers its customers a range of deals including rice and three veg curries £3.90 – rice, two veg and one meat £4.50 – rice, two meat, one veg £5.50 and so on. Impressively, the curries they serve change daily which means you can visit here in any one of your lunch breaks and not grow bored of the menu.
I visited here on a Wednesday and chose the rice, two veg and one meat deal. The options available included a lamb and split pea curry, saag aloo, daal, vegetable biryani, keema (minced meat) and a chicken curry. Spoilt for choice, I was deliberating for quite some time, however, I finally decided on the saag aloo, lamb and carrot curry – their lamb and potato dish had proven so popular they had swapped in the carrot – and the daal. Whilst the presentation of my plate was unsurprisingly sloppy, the portion sizes blew me away! If you want to get more than your money’s worth then This & That is certainly the place to visit.
Before I was served my curries I had greedily also asked for a chapatti to accompany my meal, however upon eating this mound of delicious food I quickly realised that supplements were not necessary to leave feeling full. Nevertheless, the choice of ‘sundries’ the cafe offers are very cheaply priced and deliciously made, so I do recommend. I can not fault any of the curries I tried as they were all delicious and, considering my meal was under five pounds, I was very impressed with the quality. Therefore, If you are looking for somewhere cheap to eat that’s off the beaten track of the curry mile then _This & That_ is well worth the visit. They are open seven days a week and you can also have your meals to takeaway if you are on the go. Visit their website [here]( to find out more.
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title: "Review: This And That Cafe"
subtitle: The Munch MCR
metaTitle: The Munch's review of This & That Indian Restaurant Manchester
> This and That Manchester restaurant review - The Munch food blog reviews the legendary Northern Quarter curry house and cheap lunch spot This & That Cafe.
### This and That cafe is an institution of the Manchester food scene, and its sub-£5 ‘rice and three curries’ is a legendary lunch for good reason.
Wandering around the Northern Quarter on a weekday lunch time, you may well spot a trail of hungry looking office workers scuttling down what – to the uninitiated – appears to be an empty, dead-end side road. Follow these grey-suited food pilgrims and you’ll find one of Manchester’s worst kept secrets, This & That Indian Cafe. From the street the only indication of its existence is a single white sign, bearing only the name, a phone number and the words ‘rice and three curries’. This & That, however, isn’t a place that needs to advertise. Established in 1984, this family-run curry house has built up a loyal following, and a reputation as one of the best spots for a cheap lunch.
Even at midday on a Wednesday the place was packed with curry devotees, crammed along the communal tables or jealously guarding their counter-side stools. A large menu on the wall displays the curry offerings for each day – there are typically 3 vegetarian options and 6 meat or fish – but you could just as easily have a glance over the vats of gorgeous smelling curries lined along the counter to take your pick. You can stick to just the one dish, but everyone goes for the rice and three curries deal. It’s written everywhere, so it’d be rude not to. And when it’s this cheap – £4.50 for the vegetarian selection, a little more if you want meat – you can’t go wrong.
Your eyes might not love it but your belly will.
With so many hungry customers, This & That is a fast moving place – before you can finish saying ‘rice and three curries’ at the counter you’re handed an enormous plate of steaming Indian goodness. Then you’re confronted with the sides. Having noticed that all the regulars had a chapati, we had to as well, like the sheeple we are. At the end of the counter there’s a small table of condiments – chillies, chopped coriander, yogurt, etc. With the speed of the service and the excitement to eat (not to mention the challenge of finding a seat), this is easily missed. But skip it and you’ll regret it – these are the finishing touches your curry deserves.
We went for the three veggie curries, which on a Wednesday meant spinach and potato, kidney bean and potato and a daal. The yellow, coconutty daal was a pleasant belly-warmer on what was a very cold day. It didn’t knock our socks off – some more spice wouldn’t have been amiss here – but it was deliciously creamy, hot and filling, and you can easily rectify the lack of chilli yourself. Spinach and potato curry is usually a favourite of mine, but while this one was full-bodied and well-spiced, it was somewhat let down by being oddly sweet and a little too mushy. This same problem afflicted the veg biryani, available on Wednesdays as an alternative to plain rice. It seemed like an exciting extra, but ultimately it only distracted from the curries – I’d stick to the normal rice. On the other hand, the kidney bean and potato curry really hit the spot. It packed a rich, savoury punch that was perfectly complimented by the tangy yogurt raita – we told you not to miss the condiments table – and the real star of the show, the soft, pillow-y chapati. I’ve never before liked a chapati so much that I’d happily eat it on its own, although it is the perfect method of plate-to-mouth curry transportation. Today’s lesson: watch the regulars – sometimes it pays to be sheeple.
All in all, these might not the very best curries in the world, but for under a fiver – and in the centre of town – you get a mountain of honest, flavourful, home-made Indian food. With over 35 years experience of fuelling Mancunians with their famous rice and three curies, these guys know what their doing. You can be pretty confident you’ll leave with that warm glow that only being stuffed full of curry can provide.
**Go if:** You crave a speedy dosage of warmth, flavour and fullness, or if you’ve been wondering why your colleagues keep coming back from their lunch break looking so smug.
**Don’t go if:** You’re easily flustered – This and That is a busy, bustling place with a quick turnaround. It’s not somewhere to sit and chat either. The people need their curry, and for that they need your seat.
**How much:** £4.50-£6.50 for rice and three curries
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title: "A Love Letter to This & That: Manchester’s greatest dinner spot"
subtitle: The Manc
metaTitle: "A Love Letter to This & That: Manchester’s greatest dinner spot"
> The kings of curry!
**If you’ve never had the pleasure of visiting This & That then you’re missing out on one of Manchester’s ultimate hidden gems.**
Hidden down an unassuming back alley in the Northern Quarter near Trof, this family run business has been serving Mancs some of the best curry this side of India since 1984.
You’ve probably walked past it a thousand times and been none the wiser to the curry mastery that’s happening just yards away. However, once you step through that door and order your first rice ‘n’ three, you’ll be back on those communal benches for another scran as soon as is physically possible.
If you’re not familiar with a rice ‘n’ three, it’s pretty much exactly what it sounds like - a portion of rice served with three curries of your choice.
At This & That the curries rotate daily, with approximately 8-10 different options available on any given day, including plenty of vegetarian and vegan options. The food is homemade and prepared using fresh whole spices, which gives the dishes their authentic taste and flavour.
And they are all incredible. I must have eaten there hundreds of times and I’ve never had a bad curry, from the keema (a personal favourite) to the spinach and potato, chana (chickpea), lamb steak, fish curry, all the way to their chicken curry and beyond, it’s all 10/10.
Another great thing about This & That is the price, us Mancs love a bargain and you’ll find plenty of those down here. Rice and three veg curries will set you back a mere £4.50, while at the other end rice and three meat will cost you just £6.50 (different combinations of meat and veg will cost you either £5, £5.50 or £6, depending how meat-heavy you go).
My personal highlight is always the additional toppings you can whack on top of your curry for no extra cost, including coriander, onions and chopped fresh green chilli (the more the merrier for me).
This & That is located at 3 Soap Street, Manchester M4 1EW so get yourself down there - you can thank me later.
You can keep up to date with what they’re doing on their [Facebook page here](, and for the full menu and opening times head over [to their website](
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title: "The Best Curries in Manchester"
metaTitle: "The Best Curries in Manchester"
Manchester, home to one of the top Universities in England and famous for its excellent nightlife and live music scene, also has another draw for students trying to decide which University to go to. ‘The Curry Mile’ is the nickname given to the part of Wilmslow Road that stretches from the University campus through Rusholme in South Manchester, the area bordering the popular student area Fallowfield. The name is earned from the large number of restaurants, take-aways and kebab houses specialising in South Asian cuisine, and the road is thought to be the largest concentration of South Asian restaurants outside the Indian subcontinent. Within a stretch of half a mile there are at least seventy curry houses and takeaways, giving you plenty to choose from when you are craving that Indian takeaway after a night out. As a student of Manchester University myself, I had plenty of opportunities to try a wide variety of the restaurants both on the Curry Mile and beyond in the city centre, so here is a list of what I believe are some of the best Indian restaurants in Manchester.
## 2. This and That
Located in the Northern Quarter and tucked on a side street, This and That is one of the best well known secrets in Manchester. This family run business has been well established since the 80s and offers a huge variety of fresh, homemade curries, and for extremely cheap. My favourite thing is to go in and ask for whatever they recommend. Trust me, you will leave full and extremely satisfied with the delicious plate of (budget friendly) curry that you have just wolfed down.
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title: "THIS & THAT"
subtitle: Retired Martin
metaTitle: Retired Martin reviews This & That Indian Cafe
> Think of this next post as purely for my benefit, enabling me to refer you to the exemplar curry cafe whenever the mood takes me. The Holts sunk, assorted Southworths and Mudgies headed for the Mar…
Think of this next post as purely for my benefit, enabling me to refer you to the exemplar curry cafe whenever the mood takes me.
The **Holts** sunk, assorted Southworths and Mudgies headed for the Marble Arch, a pub of some repute I believe.
I set off for **Rochdale.** Not on foot.
Just like George Michael sang in 1986, I took a different corner and ended up here:
An easy mistake.
**Why does your tummy always rumble when you walk past a curry cafe?**
It was a choice of rag pudding and turps in an hour in the ‘Dale, or Rice’n’Three _right_ now.
I succumbed.
I’ve been coming here for 25 years on and off since Manchester’s CAMRA branches added a curry section to their guide to the best places to drink Drabs in Mancly.
But even I would never claim this is the best food in town, just a warm and healthy bargain in a scary alley.
My lad has been regaling me with tales of it being “_better than ever_“, and I reckon there is more meat than I remember. Is this gentrification?
£6.50 for a massive plate of spinach, dhal and beef.
£6.50 won’t buy you a half of milkshake turnip sour in the Northern Quarter these days, as Matt also knows.
_Only one thing could dampen my euphoria at falling in love with This & That. A faint memory of something_ **_retiredmartin_** _once wrote about_ _never_ _drinking beer after curry._
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title: "The Most Irresistable Indian Restaurants You Have To Try In Manchester"
subtitle: "Secret Manchester"
metaTitle: T&T in The Most Irresistable Indian Restaurants You Have To Try In Manchester
A little hidden gem tucked away behind Trof NQ, This & That is a family-run restaurant that’s not to be overlooked. The classic menu has a huge choice of curries, from Biryani to Tikka dishes. Each day features a different menu, with a variety of meaty options and three vegetarian options available daily. The small and simple restaurant has been running since the 80s, making it one of the longest-running favourites in the city. Long wooden tables and stripped back decor allow for social seating, while the focus remains on the flavours. All dishes are homemade with fresh, whole spices and meats such as lamb, chicken and fish consistently featuring throughout the week. This & That, 3 Soap St, Manchester, M4 1EW.
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title: You can still get your rice & three during lockdown
subtitle: Manchester Confidentials
metaTitle: You can still get your rice & three during lockdown
> One popular NQ curry caff is now doing deliveries
We all miss going out to restaurants, but many of our favourite places have adapted quickly in setting up [takeaway and delivery options]( Curry caff favourite This & That have now created special ‘curry hampers’ for collection or delivery to addresses ‘within the M60.’
The family-run curry canteen, tucked away down Soap Street in Manchester’s Northern Quarter, opened back in 1984 and has since become an institution to [those in the know]( "Even if you look for it, you won’t find it," says owner Ismail Mallu, who runs the tiny restaurant with his son Mohsin (or Mo as he’s better known.) "You have to first come with someone who knows us."
The This & That team has been cooking up home-style curries for the residents and workers of Manchester for decades - they even cooked for Tom Parker Bowles, who wrote [a favourable review.]( Even during the immediate aftermath of the [Manchester Arena bombing]( in 2017, they kept their doors open so they could feed the police and emergency services for free.
![This N That Staff](
**The This & That staff with owner Ismail Mallu (2nd L) and his son Mohsu (R)**
![This And That Inside](
**Rice and three curries are usually served canteen style**
The canteen style menu changes daily in a weekly rota and many loyal customers have their favourite day – our editor loves it on Tuesdays for the ‘triple C’ of chicken, chickpea and cabbage curries, although she swears that the Sunday lamb nihari will banish any hangover.
Although the café is closed to sit-in diners, they are still open for take aways (social distancing measures taken into consideration) and now, by popular request, they are offering deliveries of special curry hampers to anywhere 'reasonably' close to their city centre cafe in the Northern Quarter. It isn’t possible to order individual curries, they are only offering the hampers – but as all This & That curries are freshly made, it’s a great opportunity to full your freezer so you can have that authentic curry caff experience at home.
![This N That 1](
**This & That is hidden down Soap Street in Mancheser's Northern Quarter**
This & That are offering 50% off all food for public workers (NHS / public workers need to show their ID on delivery/collection). You need to call the cafe to order on 0161 832 4971 (it's best to call in the afternoon). As a rough guide the delivery area covers within the M60 but the cafe team will confirm if the delivery is possible, and when. The driver will accept cash (in a safe manner) on arrival.
‘We're really happy to be able to keep our wonderful customers fed and to be able to show our appreciation to frontline workers,’ says Mo in a [Facebook]( post, ‘and we really appreciate your custom - it's keeping us afloat (just about!) during these trying times.'
Call This & That on 0161 832 4971 to check your delivery area and place your order today for delivery tomorrow.
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title: "NOW DELIVERING: The city's best Rice & Three are offering 'Curry Hampers'"
subtitle: Manchester's Finest
metaTitle: Manchester's Finest on T&T's Curry Hamper Deliveries
> Correct - This & That are doing deliveries baby!
Correct - This & That are doing deliveries baby!
By extremely popular demand, one of the city’s best Rice & Three venues is now offering up ‘**Curry Hampers**‘ for all of us stuck in our houses during the COVID-19 pandemic.
City favourite This & That will be delivering the hampers anywhere that is ‘reasonably close’ to the Northern Quarter cafe, with the cash accepting cash upon arrival.
The cafe remains open for takeaway ONLY and they’re also offering up 50% off for public workers (which applies to the hampers too)
[Keep Up To Date](
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title: "This & That: A Culturally Diverse Mixing Pot Where Everyone is Welcome"
subtitle: Blue Shoes Productions
metaTitle: "This & That: A Culturally Diverse Mixing Pot Where Everyone is Welcome"
Hidden away amongst the backstreets of Manchester’s vibrant Northern Quarter lies This & That, a small Indian café owned by Ismail Mallu and his son Mohsin. Ismail is a first-generation Indian migrant who came to the UK in 1966 during the peak years of migration from the subcontinent, and has since gone on to run a number of successful takeaways across Greater Manchester.
From the outset, it was clear in our minds that we wanted Ismail to dictate his own story in our film, and we were keen to display that the migratory experience continues throughout the life of a migrant and into subsequent generations of their family. _A Bit of This & A Bit of That_ provides an insight into the integration and assimilation of Ismail into Mancunian society, but it also illustrates the loyalty and diversity of his clientele, who continually return to consume his delectable cuisine. It highlights the perpetuation of his home culture through culinary dissemination, but it also represents how both Ismail and Mo hold dual identities; they are partly Indian and partly Mancunian, a bit of this and a bit of that.
![this & that](,h_300,al_c,q_5/file.png)
_The famous This & That mural_
Through their culinary artistry, Ismail and Mo have been able to enrich the culture of Manchester to the point where the ‘rice and three’ has effectively become a staple of the city. Cooking links Ismail to his homeland, but it also gives him the opportunity to share his culture with friends, acquaintances, neighbours, guests and tourists. Within the spatial confines of the restaurant, you can find visitors that hail from a wide variety of different races, religions, genders and ages, but they all come together to break bread (or naan!) and share the delicious food on offer. In other words, everyone is made to feel welcome at This & That.
![ismail cooking](,h_300,al_c,q_5/file.png)
_Ismail hard at work in the kitchen_
Throughout Manchester, there have been significant strides to illuminate the stories, cultures and histories of South Asia in museums and galleries across the city. The influence of South Asian migration in Manchester has been substantial, and the heritage sector has begun to embrace these cultural and diasporic identities within their collections.
Our project was commissioned by Manchester Museum, an organisation with a current collecting theme based on migration, and we felt that our film could help to raise awareness about the influence of migrant populations on British culture. The role of a museum as a cultural centre for discussion makes it essential to represent the wide histories, both macro and micro, that make up Mancunian society. Through our film, we hoped to complement the stimulating dialogue on South Asian diaspora in Manchester by providing an insightful narrative for Manchester Museum’s collection as they push ahead in their plan to open their South Asian gallery in 2022. The story of Ismail and Mo provides a fascinating and heartwarming tale of shared culture and community spirit at the heart of Mancunian society.
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title: One Of Manchester’s Best Indian Restaurants Has Created Giant ‘Curry Hampers’ For Home Delivery
subtitle: Secret Manchester
metaTitle: One Of Manchester’s Best Indian Restaurants Has Created Giant ‘Curry Hampers’ For Home Delivery
> Manchester Indian restaurant This & That has created a number of curry hampers to help feed the city during the UK lockdown.
Curry every day? Yes, please.
This & That Café is often fondly described as a Manchester institution, and it’s no surprise either, given they’ve been providing the city with tasty, homely curries for over 30 years now. Their ‘rice and three’ offering is incredibly popular, too, serving up a giant spoonful of rice topped with three curries of your choice.
Credit: This & That Café
And now, the much-loved restaurant is making sure we’re well-fed during lockdown, with their fantastic curry hampers which are jam-packed with hearty dishes. Perfect for feeding the whole house, there’s a variety of hampers to choose from – including one vegetarian choice and three meat options in different sizes. And the portions are hefty, too, with the smallest hamper likely to feed just one person for a couple of days.
Delivery is available for addresses within the M60, and NHS workers can benefit from 50% off their orders by simply showing their ID upon delivery. To make your order, call the restaurant on 0161 832 4971.
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title: The Cheapest And Best Places To Eat In Manchester City Centre
subtitle: Secret Manchester
metaTitle: The Cheapest And Best Places To Eat In Manchester City Centre
> Catching up with mates doesn’t have to hurt your pocket…
Bank account taken a blow post-lockdown? Enjoying everything Manchester has to offer doesn’t have to cost the Earth – including going out for some good old grub with your pals. If you’re keeping your wallet under lock and key this month, check out our guide to the best and cheapest restaurants in Manchester.
## 4. This & That
A Manchester institution since the 80s, This & That is one of the city’s favourite spots for good Indian food, serving an ever-changing menu of homemade curries for guests to enjoy. And it’s a seriously cheap spot, too, with curries costing a maximum of £6! If you’re a veggie, even better, with prices of just £4.50 for a serving of rice with three different curries. The menu changes every day, so be sure to check what’s on next time you fancy a bit of spice in your life. This & That, Soap St, M4 1EW.
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title: "Best Indian Manchester: Our favourite curry houses in the capital of the north"
subtitle: Squaremeal
metaTitle: "Best Indian Manchester: Our favourite curry houses in the capital of the north"
> This city has a "curry mile". Enough said.
## This & That
What: This & That has got to be one of Manchester's most affordable curry houses and is known for its ‘rice and three’ menu. Essentially, customers receive a portion of rice along with three curries of their choice, all for a maximum price of £6 (it’s £4.50 if you go fully veggie).
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