852 B
852 B
last_modified_at | name | address | postcode | phone | web | tags | omni | restaurant | delivery | times | ||||||||||||||
2020-01-06 | Frurt Frozen Yogurt | 257 - 259 Bury New Rd | M25 9PB | 0161 222 8330 | https://www.frurt.com | https://goo.gl/maps/btNASQLCaiq3Z4Tv8 | https://www.facebook.com/frurtfrozenyogurt | https://twitter.com/frurtfroyo |
true | true | true |
June 2019: "Mango and chocolate frozen soya yogurts from Frurt on Bury New Road. A real treat!"
Loads of vegan frozen yoghurt options, delivery via Deliveroo and all clearly labelled!