775 B
775 B
last_modified_at | name | address | postcode | phone | web | tags | omni | shop | times | |||||||||||||
2022-09-11 | Grape to Grain | 1 Corner of Church Lane | M25 1AN | 0161 511 4292 | https://grapetograin.co.uk | https://goo.gl/maps/fLZqwg4zwFnBvtT76 | https://www.facebook.com/GrapetoGrainPrestwich | https://twitter.com/grapetograinmcr | https://www.instagram.com/grapetograinmcr |
true | true |
Grape to Grain sell a range of vegan wines and beers and their staff are very knowledgeable about what's on offer. They also sell deli snacks, and you can sit in and stay for a glass.